Great to see a return to winning form for Bexstar, who convincingly won her Class 1 at the Sunshine Coast on Sunday. 

In a very positive ride, jockey Micheal Hellyer had the mare travelling third behind the leader and favourite for much of the race, and despite wanting to overrace slightly at times, she seemed to be travelling sweetly. 

Down the straight it was simply a matter of pulling to the outside and balancing her up, and Bexstar extended nicely to win very well, pricking her ears as she neared the line. 

The win was great news for owners Barrie and Trish Everard, and trainers John and Sheila were very happy that Bexstar seems to be now knowing what she has to do on raceday. 

Congratulations all, and here’s hoping for a repeat dose when next she steps out. 

Photo courtesy of Grant Peters at

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