Now we’ve seen it all – so many ways to lose a race but this certainly takes the cake! 

Darren Gauci, on Royal Mephisto, settled at the rear of the field in the 0 – 64 Showcase Handicap over 1600m at Bendigo and bided his time as they went down the back straight.

He had a horse on his outside so had no option but to stay close to the rail around the bend, however, as they straightened, the field fanned out leaving a perfect run for him. He quickened as they neared the post as Darren used his spurs as persuaders and as Royal Mephisto accelerated to take the lead, Darren felt his right foot jam as the spur must have become embedded in the saddle cloth.

As Darren tried to kick the spur free his foot came out of the stirrup, and try as he might, he was unable to locate it again and in the process, lost his balance and tumbled sickenly to the ground, bringing Royal Mephisto with him as he held on to the rein and became tangled up in his front legs.            

He was all of 50 yards from the winning post and paying 15/1, which most of his owners had taken advantage of, so when this took place you can imagine the shock horror amongst everyone concerned.

When realisation took hold, John went to secure Royal Mephisto, who incredibly did not have a scratch on him, and Sheila went to check Darren’s injuries. Amazingly, his broken spur had lacerated his nose and was still lying on his face and his skull cap was several feet away, however he was conscious and trying to get to his feet, insisting that he was quite alright.

A very lucky outcome for all concerned in this dreadful looking fall so we can all count our blessings!

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