It is with great sadness that Esprit Racing received the news that Barrie Everard passed away in Auckland on the morning of Monday 14th November.

I met Barrie, Trish, Cara and Becky not long after I arrived in New Zealand from England and we became very good friends, with children of similar ages.

They raced several horses with us in NZ, the most memorable (and not for the right reasons!) one being OZYMANDIUS (NZ) by Sir Tristram out of the great Pencarrow mare, Lafite (Sovereign Edition). Born to be a champion, he had oodles of ability but he would have been the hardest, most cantankerous horse I think I’ve ever ridden. He had one start in NZ, showcased his talent and off he flew to Queensland, running second in his next start at Eagle Farm. But, in the end, he only had 7 starts (6 in Australia) running 2 seconds and one third before safety prevailed and the decision was made that he should retire.

Barrie, however, opted to take him home and used him for his hack!!! I was so impressed that Barrie was able to ride this wayward creature and admired his horsemanship skills enormously from that day on!

It was some years later, after I had relocated to Australia and became one of the Melbourne Cup Ambassadors, when taking the Cup to Federation Square prior to the Tuesday race, Barrie said Hello and it was so fabulous catching up with him again. Our meeting ignited his enthusiasm to race horses and several yearlings were subsequently purchased, being by the good sires Savabeel, Tavistock, High Chaparral, Keeper and Beneteau.

Esprit Racing’s greatest disappointment is that Barrie will not see his latest acquisitions reach their potential on the racetracks. But, when they do, he is sure to be watching very closely!

Barrie was an amazing entrepreneur, always tackling the boundaries and initiating new ventures. He was involved in the first NZ off shore radio station, was very adept at making films and recently has been involved in initiating a film about the Antarctic being such an important factor in ensuring the earth stays as we know it. Leonard Da Caprio was keen to be star in the film as he is also an advocate about letting the world know what can happen in the future if mankind does not heed Mother Nature.

We do hope that this film continues to be made now that Barrie cannot be here driving the ship.

Our heartfelt condolences go to Trish, Cara and family at this very sad time. Barrie was such an energetic driving force with everything he was involved in and his absence will surely be such a silent chasm.

Would the severe earthquake in New Zealand and the localised storm cell hitting Dicky Beach, both on 13th November, be signs of Barrie’s reluctance to leave?

I’d like to think so…..

Sheila Laxon

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